Legal information
Publisher and Publishing Director
The owner and publisher of the website is RELLUMIX, a simplified joint-stock company with share capital of 300,000 euros, registered with the Pontoise Trade and Companies Register under number B 438 489 544 headquartered at 6 avenue du centaure in Cergy (95300).
The company’s VAT number is FR 40438489544.
The Publishing Director is Mr Frédéric DOMBROWSKI, who can be contacted at : or at
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This Site is hosted by O2SWITCH, a limited liability company with a share capital of 406,900 euros, headquartered at 224 boulevard Gustave Flaubert – 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, registered with the RCS of Clermont-Ferrand under number B 510 909 807 and telephone number is
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Nevertheless, RELLUMIX cannot be held responsible for the unavailability or poor quality of the site.
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RELLUMIX cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage of any kind resulting from the use of this site.
Site content – Intellectual property
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All site content (images, text, database, etc.) is subject to French and international intellectual property law (copyright, trademark law, database law, etc.).
If you find that elements published on the Site infringe copyright or other protected rights, please contact the Editor at or by post at 6 avenue du centaure, Cergy (95300).
In accordance with Article L.342-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code, it is strictly forbidden to download all or a quantitatively substantial part of this database using robots or any other automatic extraction process.
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External links
The site may also include information provided by external sites or links to other sites not developed by the Editor. The user is responsible for using this information with discretion, and the Publisher cannot be held responsible for the availability of these sites, their content or any other information available on or from these sites.
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The Publisher reserves the right to modify or update this Legal Notice at any time and without prior notice, particularly in the event of changes to legislation or to the site.
We therefore invite users to regularly review this Legal Notice.
Jurisdiction and applicable law
The present Legal Notice is subject to French law for its validity, interpretation and execution.
In the event of a dispute, users are advised to contact the Publisher first and, subsequently, if no solution is found, to refer the matter to the competent court within the jurisdiction of the Publisher’s registered office.
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